Floral Compounds
Peace and tranquility remedy / Peace and tranquility
Flower compound: Agrimony, Cherry Plum, Sweet Chesnut, Centaury.
It gives you peace and tranquility to stop any addiction, to substances such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and other drugs, including stress from overwork.

Sano Adult Remedy / Healthy Elderly
Flower compound: Clematis, Aspen, Honey Suckle, Wild Rose, Gentian, Willow.
Special for older adults, to let go of the past and leave the fears of the unknown, cure resentment for life, it is for people who do not fully enjoy the here and now.

Capable Child Remedy / Capable Child
Flower compound: Impatiens, Chesnut Bud, Cherry Plum.
It contributes to the well-being of children by offering them patience, emotional stability, improving their learning capacity.

Inner Force Remedy
Floral compound: Rock Rose, Mimmulus, Star of Bethlehem, Aspen.
It offers the person the ability to cope with the daily loads that cause panic attacks, giving them the inner strength to cope with adversity.

Goodbye Stress Remedy / Goodbye Stress
Flower compound: Oak, White Chesnut, Hornbeam, Impatiens, Vine.
It gives you the ability to bear the loads that cause stress, physical and mental fatigue, relieving neck, back, shoulder pain, migraines, insomnia or any effect caused by stress.

Allergies / Allergies Remedy
Flower compound: Beech, Agrimony, Crabbapple, Holly.
Solution to any type of stationary skin or respiratory allergies. It can be used in children, pregnant women, and even pets.

Remedio Mujer sana / Healthy Woman
Flower compound: Cherry Plum, Sclerantus, Chicory, Vine, Walnut.
For women with hormonal uncontrols, without menstruation or with excess of this, especially to regain stability in menstrual cycles. Decreases the symptoms of menopause.

Freedom Remedy / Freedom
Flower compound: Vervain, Impatiens, Agrimony, Centaury.
To get rid of physical stabbing pains in joints hands, knees, shoulders, wrists, ankles providing pain relief.

Hope Remedy / Hope
Flower compound: Gorse, Sclerantus, Hornbeam, Oak.
For those who feel sad and discouraged, this floral brings joy and hope in the face of adversity. It offers balance, integration and release of energy ties that do not allow you to fully enjoy your day to day.

Rescue Remedy / Rescue Remedy
Floral compound: Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis and Star of Bethlehem.
Par excellence the best known remedy of Dr. Edward Bach, as its name says, it rescues us from critical situations that occur in life; such as an accident or the death of a loved one, which alters our physical, emotional and mental capacities negatively.